2 years ago


I am about to reveal, to all of you.

The hidden knowledge, of who is the end time Antichrist!!!

But first, you were taught that Adam and Eve (NOT STEVE), were the cause of the fall of man.

Nothing could be further from the "TRUTH", that is just one of the many lies that has been told to mankind over the centuries.......

The TRUTH of the matter is that "Yaltaboath/Samuel aka Yahweh/Satan fathered twins Abel and Cain.

Yaltaboath raped and ravaged Eve, got her pregnant with twins, and that's how Able and Cain came to be....

When Cain killed his twin brother Abel, Yahweh the god of the old testament who is truly Yaltaboath.

Appointed Cain as the end time Antichrist, since he killed his twin brother Abel.

Yaltaboath made Cain an immortal Reptilian Dragon ruler of the earth, to roam it, and do as he pleases.

Until the appointed time and day, he has to fill the shoes of the end time Antichrist.

And that is why you always hear Jesus say, for the spirit of the Antichrist is already here.

Because Cain was never killed, and was given immortality.

Who do you think stabbed Jesus on the cross???

And is why Jesus also said: " On Judgment Day, even the one who pierced me will stand before me"!!!

And how Cain killed Jesus in the past, he will kill all memory of Jesus in these end times days.

Calling him a fraud, and everything that has to do with Jesus will be burned, forbidden, and made illegal to own...

He is the true son of Yaltaboath/Samuel aka Yahweh/Satan, and he will be the end time Antichrist!!!

He will be accepted by the Jews, as the true messiah and son of their god....

Remember that Satan was told, that he was a murderer from the beginning...

Like father like son, Cain was also a murderer from the beginning, just like his father Yaltaboath.

Who destroyed mankind during the flood, dinosaurs, City of Troy, and the ever so beautiful City of Atlantis.....

Yaltaboath/Samuel aka Yahweh/Satan has a record of Vengeance, Wrath, Jealousy, and a whole lot of Anger.

By destroying human lives, families, armies, civilizations, and all that has to do with mankind as a whole...

And ever since I casted him out of his own created heaven, and toss them down here to hell, which mankind unknowingly calls earth.

He has been focusing all his jealousy, anger, vengeance, and wrath.

Against mankind throughout the civilizations he has already destroyed, and is currently destroying right now!!!

We have reached the end of days, and soon Israel will announce the arrival of their messiah.

All I'm doing is giving you the heads up! Just like Jesus did over 2,000 years ago.....

Now what will be interesting is, now that you know the TRUTH!!!!

What are you going to do about it?????????

Archangel Michael

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