The documents in Mar-a-Lago are so dire that "People will die" & Update on the Picken Co case

2 years ago

People will die, says Mark Warner (D-VA) top democrat says it’s essential the Senate intelligence committee be briefed on how much damage trump caused by taking documents to Mar-a-Lago. Comparing 9/11 to Jan 6, the insurgency attack from within. No talk about the crisis in Afghanistan since the Biden departure and we still have no evidence of the killing of Zawahiri. And they want to do a damage assessment of the documents in Mar-a-Lago. What about the damage assessment of the border, the way we left Afghanistan and the terrorist activity in this country. They want you to believe they saved you from something.

Friday there was the hearing for the Christopher Mora vs Pickens Co Board of Elections to unseal the ballots. There has been a lot of misunderstanding. Phil Landrum is the county attorney and when you are the county attorney. You are legal counsel and acts as general counsel for all the boards in the county. For instance, for the board of education, board of elections, board of commissioners. As a board of elections attorney he could not write the order for the board of elections at the same time defend the board in the lawsuit with Christopher Mora. When the county gets a lawsuit they have to defend themselves. Landrum’s argument was that to get the case dismissed he could write the order. He also says to the judge if Christopher Mora can petition the court to unseal the ballots then anyone could petition the court to do so. So if what he is saying is true then what stops any citizen petitioning the court to have standing. What state lawmaker is going to stand up and clarify. Homework: go to Voice of Rural America Facebook page go back to July and the board of elections make the motion. In August the board of elections coming back saying they can’t comment. And there are a few GOP meetings where Rick Jasperse is talking about the hearing. Then there is the hearing on Friday that is also on the Facebook page. Then at the event on Saturday there is an update from David Oles. BKP opinion is that the ballots will not get unsealed in Pickens County.

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