Benghazi was forgotten on MSM ... the GAY avengers indoctrinate our kids

2 years ago

Not one network this weekend mentioned Benghazi. They spent minutes on 9/11 and hours on the death of the queen. Our ambassador was drug through the streets of Benghazi.. Susan Rice comes out to lie that Sunday about what happened. And now she is running point in the White House. Joe Biden is not in charge of anything. Joe Biden is the third dog for Obama, to the deep state. Susan Rice is running point to the deep state, Obama’s third term and the same time John Podesta is back in the White House to make sure he can steal your $370B for the Green New Deal.

Hunter Biden is a smoke screen. Hunter Biden is serious but they know they can get your attention with talking about Bubbling Biden and Jan 6 and the insurrection and 9/11 from foreign terrorism to domestic terrorism. Never thought they could go any lower. As they are talking about the insurrection and the documents with the special master. Hunter Biden laptop. Every ounce is a smoke screen. They talk about what they want you to believe Trump is guilty of because they want to divert you from what Biden and Hunter are guilty of. Mark Warren, Senator from VA, on the networks saying that people can die. It’s all over the media showing how the Ukrainian government is pushing back the Russian troops and recapturing land in Ukraine. They want you to believe that Ukraine is making good use of the money. They need to pose for a picture to send to the investors. The American people are catching on to the money we have sent Ukraine.

The gay avengers of the White House have gayed up the whole administration.

The Christopher Mora vs Pickens Co Board of Elections case to unseal the ballots. Brief explanation of the case on Friday later in the show. There are several miss understandings that need to get cleared up. The case was dismissed.

They want you to believe things are going better because polls show.

When you think they can’t go any lower they actually equated 9/11 to Jan 6

Ford says that 40% of its global sales will be electric by 2030 and GM plans to phase out internal combustion engines by 2035.

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