Stop Using the 2008 Bailouts in Your Argument (here’s why)

2 years ago

Context matters. The 2008 financial bailouts for the big banks and automobile industry and been coming up more and more recently when it comes to the student loan forgiveness debate. Let me be very clear and fair. I totally understand “why” people would use the 2008 bailouts within their argument as (on the surface) it makes total sense. You can not accuse anyone of using the 2008 bailouts to defend student loan forgiveness as being irrational or totally emotional. With all that said, we do also need to dig just a big beyond the surface of the argument to realize it’s NOT a good argument. In fact, it is actually helping disprove the very point attempted to be made. Let’s look at some facts and history to see why 2008 finds itself a totally false way to go about arguing that students should also be bailed out from their loans.

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