KEN BERRY & SARAH ZALDIVAR 5 | Mothers deficient in vitamins (A, D, K2) will not be in breast milk

2 years ago
presents episode 574 | Dr Sarah Zaldivar, certified nutritionist
Dr Sarah Zaldivar podcast

Question: Vitamin A toxicity from liver?
-On PubMed: yes, from supplements
~yes, from polar bear liver
~no cases of it from liver of
~beef, sheep, goats, chickens, cod, etc
There are a couple of fish in Japan that have it
"It is safe to eat any of these animals & fish livers.
If not, there would be a case study published on it"

Dr Zaldivar: Vitamin A & D work in tandem,..
"Could be that you are taking in synthetic
vitamin A, already deficient in vitamin D, so
the negative effect if magnified"
Research shows:
-modern formulations of cod liver oil may
be deficient in vitamin D; therefore the ration of
D with A is no longer optimal
Dr Berry: if in glass, plastic or metal container, is likely partially
-oxidized & rancid

-Son, Beckett, when 5 months old...
-one tooth, wanted solid food
-gave him beef rib with bits of meat on it
-he chewed on the rib, eating all of the tissue
-now at 2.5 years old:
~routinely eats bacon, sausage, steak
At the carnival, he ate the 'guts' out of a Philly cheese sandwich...
-no cotton candy, no sugary treats...just the steak please!
Occasionally will eat avocado, fruit, berries, but
-vast majority of his diet is beef & pork

He was breastfed for a year and a half...
-recommend at least 12 months
Our ancestors typically breastfed for 3-5 years
"Mothers, if your diet is deficient in iodine,
or the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, K2)
it will not be in your breast milk"


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