20 Best Morning Exercises That You Can Do At Home

2 years ago

20 Best Morning Exercises That You Can Do At Home

Here is the list of 20 Best Morning Exercises That You Can Do At Home.
1 Single Leg Glute Bridge
Single leg glute bridge is a simple and effective way to charge your body for the whole day.
2 Power Push Ups
Push up your chest, arms, and legs to a notch to boost up your morning.
3 Cat-Camel Stretch
Stretch your body and light up your mornings.
4 Jumping Jacks
This is a great workout to include in your morning exercise routine as a beginner
to pump up your heart rate and blood flow. It also tones up your calves and deltoids too.
5 Inchworm Stretch
Before you drain out sweating warm up your body and mind with these inchworm moves.
Inchworm stretch will activate your core muscles, and stretch your back and hamstrings.
6 Double Leg Lift
This exercise is an effective ab exercise, working for both upper and lower abs.
It is an ideal core strength builder when performed correctly. Though it is challenging,
it can be an excellent morning workout routine for beginners.
7 Squats
Squats are always feasible, home or gym. Squats are the best morning exercise for weight loss.
Along with that, it strengthens the legs, hips, and knees all at once.
8 Calf Raises
An effective morning exercise to make sure that your calf muscles are strong so that
you can tirelessly walk around the whole day.
9 Crunches
Strengthen your abdominal muscles with this cool and easy morning exercise.
10 Jump Rope
It is an extremely effective form of cardio respiratory exercise.
If done regularly, it strengthens your calf muscles and helps in
improving the elasticity of the surrounding tendons and fascia.
This reduces the risk of lower-leg injuries.
11 Burpees
Wake up your cores, glutes chest and triceps with this active morning exercise.
12 Knee Tucks
Jump up high and tone up your calves, hips, and core. Begin your morning with a super active workout.
13 Alternative Forward Lunges
These lunges are the best morning exercises for your lower body and your heart.
It activates almost all your leg muscles and trains your body on fire.
14 Yoga
Start with a sun salutation pose and then go on with few like a downward facing dog,
trikonasana, boat pose, etc.
15 Mountain Climbers
Roll out from your cozy bedsheet and push your knees to chest to tone up your shoulders,
chest muscles and triceps at home.
16 Balancing Table Pose
Brighten up your morning with a classic yoga pose which boost up your memory and concentration level.
17 Lateral Lunge With Knee Drive
Kick start your lazy morning with the mix of a lunge and a knee drive together.
18 Walking
Walking is a refreshing and sweating morning exercise that anyone can practice at home.
19 Planks
Brush out your excuses of having lower back pain and not doing exercises.
Planks are super effective morning workouts that everyone even with back pain can adhere to.
20 Zumba
So these were the best morning exercises at home that you can add to your morning routine as a beginner.
Now, what's keeping you still on the bed, rise and shine for a healthy and refreshing morning.

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