Family Stem Cell IV at Dream Body Clinic

3 years ago
32 (833) 445-9089
Hey, I'm Venus. Like I'm Josh's wife and I'm in charge of lit I count thing at the clinic. Uh, we're here doing a family. I'd be like, I'm here with my mother-in-law. And, um, I do it like every year, just like, you know, do help, like with I empty aging and like my stomach issues, I knew had like a lot of gastritis, like lately.
So I'm doing a hundred with next. What are you doing? Mom? I'm here for the third time to do a hundred million and it makes me feel great. I had back surgery a few years ago, a fusion in my lower back. And I had like this nagging pain after I did the ID, that pain has gone away and been gone the whole time.
I like tennis almost every single day. I golf. I play a ball. So I think it's a great way to keep young pets.
Hi, I'm Blake. I am Joshua's mother's lesbian and I've had multiple stem cells that have, I've seen progress in both my planter, my knee. My shoulder, my hip, also my hair, my hair is improved with the stem cells. And every time I come down here, I feel better. Hey, this is Josh dream buddy clinic. And this is me and my family doing stem cells.
We believe in stem cells here. We're not the kind of people just trying to market this and say, oh, the stem cells are awesome, but we don't use them. Right. And how we use them. We want to live as long as possible and be as healthy as possible, as long as possible. My mom, who you're going to see in this video is a great example.
Her and my stepdad, Blake, both doing the IVs with us and my wife, Phoenix, but, uh, Blake and my mom, they just played tennis and golf all the time. You know, that's what they like to do. They want to stay active and staying active as you age is so important. But you can run into issues. My mom actually had issues years ago, where they had to fuse a couple of discs in her back.
She had some weird polyps forming, a genetic thing that they had to take care of before we were really doing the stem cell treatments on the back. Like she wouldn't need it, but either way they fix that, but she couldn't get back fully at it. So we did an IB first years ago that got her back playing tennis, and then we did the direct injections last.
Which really got her back full steam. It was incredible. Um, removed a lot of the scars tissue from the surgery. Got her back out there playing full time. Blake, who you see is getting the IV is trying to maintain, um, we fixed his plantar fasciitis, fixed his knees, that his shoulder now, which is fix him up, you know, making sure he can be out there on the golf course, going at it or playing tennis.
So it helps a lot. Then you've got me and my wife. Um, our goal is just to be able to stay as active as possible. Two kids. And we need to be able to keep up with that. We both like to go to the gym. We'd like to stay active, just started playing golf too. So I want to be able to do that as long as possible.
My point here is stem cells work. We believe in them. Our whole family does them. My uncle was here a few months ago. Um, my grandma's been here. We've had a lot of family or it's my step-mom just did treat, I mean a couple of weeks ago. So we believe in it. We want to help the people we love. We'd love to help you.
So if you want to get ahold of it, Check us out Or give us a call toll free at (833) 445-9089. I'm Josh string, body clinic. Happy to help. .

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