Ro-Ro Ship that came under Fire Shots in the Air did not stop at Calls: Hellenic Coast Guard

2 years ago

Turkish and Russian allied media continue to reproduce the fake video and story today:
1. Ro-Ro Ship That Came Under Fire From Greece Had Foreigners On Board - Reports (Sept 12, 2022)
2. СМИ: на борту турецкого судна, обстрелянного Грецией, были иностранцы.....etc
The truth is:
The Hellenic Coast Guard said it opened warning fire in a safe direction.

A ship with the Comoros flag, which was moving in the sea area northwest of Lesvos, in the direction of the Turkish coast, did not stop at the calls of the Greek Coast Guard, nor at the sound warnings from the loudspeakers, continuing its course.

Then the Coast Guard men fired warning shots into the air.

The vessel, which is competently classified as unspecified, as it is such an old "structure" that it has not been realized what it is, continued its course. Then, the Greek authorities informed the Turkish authorities that it was heading towards their shores, to check the... mysterious ship. (September 10, 2022)
*** 1. Gunshot noises in the video have nothing to do with actual gunfire.
2. The breaking of glass is not heard in the video, neither are the bullets, the projectiles.
3. The ship was probably smuggling and did not stop for inspection
#λιμενικό #ακτοφυλακή #λαθρεμπόριο #roroship #smuggling #turkey
#coastguard #hellenic #warningshots #warningfire #fakenews #fabricated
The Hellenic Coast Guard fired warning shots into the air. Ship did not stop at his calls.:

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