South Korea Tests New Missiles Including Countries First Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile

3 years ago

South Korea reacted to the latest ballistic missile tests by conducting a number of own new weapon system tests including two new South Korean hypersonic missiles, a new long range air-to-ground missile (AGM) missile and the first ever its first submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM).

The fire demonstration shows that South Korean has developed a new supersonic cruise missile that strengthens the ability to deny North Korea acess to sea power.

The missile has a higher speed than existing missiles, making it very difficult for enemy ships to respond, which further improves the missile's survivability and destructive force.

The supersonic cruise missile is expected to become a core force that can more effectively respond to forces approaching Korea's territorial waters.

Also a a high-powered ballistic missile with increased weight of the warhead was developed.

Capable of striking concrete buildings and underground tunnels, it can strike and neutralize any main target accurately and strongly.

The new long-range air-to-ground (AGM) missile will be added to the South Korean KF-21 fighter jet arsenal and is currently in the development stage.

This AGM is developed with the goal of replacing missiles imported from abroad and having better stealth performance and longer range.

The biggest news during the live fire demonstrations was that the Defense Science Research Institute (ADD) successfully conducted the first ever South Korean submarine launch test for an submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) at the ADD Comprehensive Testing Center.

The SLBM was mounted on the Dosan Ahn Chang-ho: a 3,000-ton class submarine built with domestic technology & delivered to the Navy in August of this year. It was launched from underwater, and accurately hit the target.

By successfully conducting an actual submarine launch test today, Korea became the 7th country in the world to successfully launch an SLBM submarine.

Existing SLBM operating countries are the US, Russia, China, UK, France, and India.

President Moon Jae-in, who attended the test, said South Korea now had "sufficient deterrence to respond to North Korea's provocations at any time", urging the South to continue increasing its weapons programmes to "overwhelm North Korea's asymmetric power".

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Credit South Korean Ministry Of Defence

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