Vaccine Quality Assurance Matters: Senate Speech - 6th September 2022

2 years ago

On the 2nd of August I started to discuss the biochemistry of the Covid-19 Vaccines (What Pfizer and the TGA didn't tell you).

Recently in the Senate (6th September 2022), I continued to highlight the poor quality assurance practices involved in the development of the Covid Vaccine.

I rebutted the statement by the head of the TGA that the lipids in the jab were like the lipids in a steak or sausage you have for breakfast. They are anything but. They are cationic and a deliberate design feature of the vaccine to get it inside the cell.

Cationic electrically charged lipids can be toxic. They can disrupt the mitochondrial cellular respiration that’s responsible for consuming oxygen for producing energy. If this activity is disrupted, then the oxygen is not reduced all the way to water and instead to some intermediates which are called reactive oxygen species or hydroxyl radicals.

Reactive Oxygen Species are intrinsic to cellular functioning, and are present at low and stationary levels in normal cells. Reactive Oxygen Species can cause irreversible damage to DNA as they oxidize and modify some cellular components and prevent them from performing their original functions. During times of environmental stress ROS levels can increase dramatically which may result in significant damage to cell structures.

The last clip I posted was pulled down by Facebook without explanation. What I have discussed below is sourced from the TGA or Pfizer.

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