Preferences Do NOT Equate to Hatred, Ignorance, or Phobia. Period!

2 years ago

Maybe you've heard of this before. Not wanting to date Transgendered people and preferring cisgendered is phobic. If your system-32 just crashed trying to even process that then I don't blame you. So did mine. You can already comprehend the illogical discrepancy of that statement wondering what if the rolls were reversed. Would they say the same thing vise-vers? Or would they say it's different? Why can't the LGBT community leave the straights alone? Why do they have a problem with the exaggerated term *Super Straight*? Let's go over it and we'll discuss more in the comment section. To hear more opinions then I recommend the 2 videos down below.

Background Gameplay: RDR Online

Is not dating trans people trans phobic?:

*Note:* So, the video is from march and it's been a minute since I rewatched it. So some details were misremembered. The video is just about trans activists being their own worst enemy. Not the LGBT community as a whole. To a degree I still believe that is true still for the community as a whole.

Trans Activists Are STILL Their Own Worst Enemy:

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