Especial Lobisomem marvel - Dublado

2 years ago

A Marvel revelou o teaser especial do Lobisomem

Em outubro veremos Especial de Halloween do Lobisomem com Gael García Bernal, episódio será inspirado nos filmes dos anos 60
como um conto trash de terror e sem efeitos especiais.

Essa proposta bizarra e diferente estreia no Disney+ no dia 7 de outubro.

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Marvel Revealed the Special Werewolf Teaser

In October we will see Werewolf Halloween Special with Gael García Bernal, episode will be inspired by 60s movies
like a trashy horror tale with no special effects.

This bizarre and different proposal debuts on Disney+ on October 7th.

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there are daily news about the world of games, manga, anime, movies and series, here only trailers and teasers
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