Activating the Vertical Pillar | Activating Your 7 Chakras

2 years ago

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Activating the Vertical Pillar

We all are Sparks of Source! As we clear our energetic body and align with Source, our Sparks merge with the Fire of our personal Christed Sun Self. And as we expand further into the core of our Self, this Fire merges with and becomes the Flame of Source. The Flame of Source is Pure White yet holds all of the colors of creation within it.

The purpose of this meditation is to start sparking inner flames and thereby open inner pathways within ourselves to allow us to expand vertically through different inner frequency bands and strengthen our inner connection with the Source.

As each level merges, the individual flames take on the appearance of a sparking Spherical Sun, sparks of living consciousness flying out into the void that exists between density levels.

As we consciously breathe in Source Energy, energetic locks open up to allow access into and through the void. Our conscious thought of alignment with Source becomes like a pebble thrown into a pool, with our conscious sense of Self a pool rippling out in ever-expanding waves of energy.

Flames expand through the void to merge with the next Sun, through which the activation of personal consciousness expands and fuels the Fire and Flames of Source at each level.

As our consciousness moves closer to Source, we sense the Winds of Source fan the Flames, creating sparks of the Living Consciousness which serve as a beacon of Home. The source is not stationary or without movement. The Winds of Source energy eternally send forth sparks to allow for the creation of the Flames of Living Consciousness.

The creation of this meditation is from the work of Marie Love at
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