NYC City Workers Fired Over Vaccine Mandate Testify at City Hall Hearing on Municipal Workforce

2 years ago

On September 9, 2022, numerous former municipal employees who lost their jobs or were put on leave without pay because they did not comply with New York City's vaccine mandate for municipal workers made public comments at a New York City Council oversight hearing on "Maintaining New York City’s Municipal Workforce." Workers affected by NYC's private employer mandate also testified.

The hearing in Council Chambers at City Hall was held jointly by the Committee on Oversight and Investigations and Committee on Civil Service and Labor. It was chaired by Gale Brewer and Carmen De La Rosa, and attended by committee members Marjorie Velázquez, Eric Dinowitz, Sandy Nurse, Tiffany Cabán, Shekar Krishnan, Kalman Yeger, Kamillah Hanks, Diana Ayala, Nantasha Williams, Rita Joseph, and Erik Bottcher. Many of those council members left the chambers before public testimony began.

Council members Vickie Paladino, Inna Vernikov, Joann Ariola, and Robert Holden also attended and spoke in support of the workers who testified, both during the hearing and at the press conference before it.

This video was livestreamed during the hearing and is also available on the NYC for Yourself YouTube channel:

Former municipal workers testified both in person and via video. The audience was admonished by hearing officers not to make remarks and advised instead to indicate their support of speakers by waving their hands.

WATCH the first part of the hearing:

WATCH the New York Workers for Choice & Common Sense Caucus Press Conference on Vaccine Mandates given by workers and City Council members on the steps of City Hall before the hearing:

City Council official hearing information and video:

NYC's current vaccine mandates for public and private employees:

SUPPORT NYC for YOURSELF by subscribing, liking and sharing!

LISTEN TO FIRED WORKERS talk in depth about how the mandates have affected their lives on the New York Mandate Podcast, hosted by No One You Know on Substack:

FOLLOW ME on Twitter: @nycforyourself @noykreport


#mandate #labor #NewYork

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