Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks "A thrilling life experience" San Francisco

2 years ago

Welcome to another recording! This audio was recorded on 7/26/15, in the city of San Francisco, CA. In this recording Abraham goes on to explain what it means to have or experience " a thrilling life experience". The hot seater makes a case for wanting more fun, in his life experience and Abraham explains, that those spicer or fun moments are created along a happy journey or should I say a fun journey. For more information about this recording and so much more, please visit www.abraham-hicks. And if you are enjoying this content please like this video, and subscribe to my channel so that I can continue to bring you this life changing material. Please feel free to comment below any takeaway you got from the video, so that we may all grow together! #Manifesting #vortex #selfcare #universalforces #Lawofattraction #Alignment #Basking #Broadcaster #Innerbeing #innerguidance #theWobblefreezone


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Video Footage credit 🎥🎥🎥🎥
Video by Aric Shelby from pexels
Video by Jess Loiterton from pexels
Video by Melissa G from pexels
Video by Yaroslav Shuraev from pexels
Video by Pavel Danilyuk from pexels
Video by Fikret Ceylan from pexels
Video by Oleg Khudyakov from pexels
Video by Matthias Groeneveld from pexels
Video by Sompong Madkong from pexels
Video by cottonbro from pexels
Video by RODNAE Productions from pexels

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