WTC Owner Larry Silverstein Avoids Questions about Building 7

2 years ago

WTC Owner Larry Silverstein Avoids Questions about Building 7

First published at 22:42 UTC on September 11th, 2022.

#larrysilverstein #lukerudkowski #buildingseven

Investigative journalist Luke Rudkowski of questions Larry Silverstein about the implosion of World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11, 2001. Silverstein completed the construction of Building 7 in 1987 and purchased World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, 4, and 5 in July of 2001. He then strangely made sure that that the Twin Towers 1 and 2 had insurance coverage for "terrorist attacks." After the 9/11 debacle, Silverstein cashed in on his 14 million purchase with a 4.5 billion insurance settlement. Silverstein claims that he wasn't in the towers that day because his wife persuaded him to see his dermatologist instead. Silverstein later admitted that city officials decided to "pull" WTC 7 at about 5:20 in the evening of 9/11. That 47 story building was not hit by any planes and supposedly fell into it's own footprint in 6 seconds due to office fires. But in order to "pull" a building via controlled demolition, explosives have to be set ahead of time along the main support columns of the building. This means that preparations were made for that demolition well ahead of time. It also means that Larry Silverstein's purchase of an insurance policy was not a coincidence. He knew what was coming. But how did he know?

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