"Waste Paper: A Poem of Profound Insignificance" by H.P. Lovecraft

2 years ago

Πἀντα γἐλως καἱ πἀντα κὀνις καἱ πἀντα τὁ μηδἐν

(which translates to: all is laughter, all is dust, all is nothing.)

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A roasting of T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land"

A zobo is a type of brass horn. They come in all kinds of sizes, from soprano to bass, and apparently use a kazoo-type mouthpiece? I'm not sure, I only just heard the word for the first time with this poem, and information from a quick search is a bit sketchy. They haven't been in common use for a century or so...

The picture used is of T. S. Eliot, photographed one Sunday afternoon in 1923 by Lady Ottoline Morrell

To follow along: https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/poetry/p228.aspx

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