Queen Elizabeth Heil Hitler To Thule Freemasons (All Are Treacherous WWCult Minions In Power)

2 years ago

Source: https://ugetube.com/watch/oHokDYCGQPqm7ys

Albert Pike of USA was a minion to the ruling failed species of mankind, Homo capensis. He was one of the Freemasonic Frontmen who hid the ancient devils within their manipulated bible. The true communications of the Creator-God has come through the Sethbooks, since the ancient failed mankind manipulated the words of Jesus to their own ends to misguide the freedom seeking Christians.

The world is a changing place and the Creator-God is watching and nurturing the worthy while warning the unworthy murderous, genocidal spiritual morons that their soul-fragments are decaying and will end-up in a spiritual box for the failed thUgs once they are all dead.

The tricky ancient devils have lied to all their minions that they can exist forever as an uploaded mind within A.i... they have tricked the self-righteously greedy freemasons and other Luciferians to destroy their own soul-fragments with unloving, murderous behaviour towards their own species. All for a lie... they all gloat how smart they are, but they doom their precious eternal validity with unworthiness.

Freemasons cannot cry and snivel to the Creator-God once they are dead.
Freemasons cannot cry and snivel to the ancient, failed mankind as those old devils laugh at the tricked minions' dead bodies. There will be no uploaded minds/souls into A.i. The loving souls show worthiness to continue into the Creator-God's greater dimensions of more challenges while the unworthy will be boxed up for their own self-righteous delusions of brainwashed glory. The thUgs all say to each other "Ad Astra per Aspera," but they are not going to any stars as cyborgs because the mind-upload was always a hoax... The soul cannot be transferred into A.i.
The Creator-God gives everyone free-will to grow or destroy one's own soul. The faild, ancient mankind also have chosen to destroy their own ugly-hearted souls while their encourage Freemason/Luciferians like Queen Elizabeth to follow their path of unworthiness.


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