Who are the Survival Dispatch Experts? | BDU Epic Shoot 2021

3 years ago

While at Big Daddy Unlimited's Epic Shoot, Jason, Alan, Bear, and Tyler got together to review the AMA questions for our "Ask the Expert" Series. To kick things off, we decided to recap who our experts are we three simple questions:

-Who Are You?
-How Did You Learn?
- How Can Others Learn?

#survivalists #epicshoot #AMA


Survival Dispatch: http://www.survivaldispatch.com
Survival Dispatch Store: http://shop.survivaldispatch.com
SD on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/survivaldispatch
SD on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/survivaldispatch
SD Amazon Lists: https://www.amazon.com/shop/survivaldispatch

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