The Convergence of Prophecy “Prophecies for Today”

2 years ago

Listen…the globalists have control, and they will do whatever it takes to maintain that control.
Look for another crisis, or a false flag event, and we will be seeing more mail in they seek to interfere with the midterm elections.
The world around us is in turmoil…which is what Jesus would say would happen the closer it was to His return.
“All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” (Matthew 24:8 ESV)
Jesus also said we would be experiencing some tough times as the day drew near for His return.
“There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11 ESV)
We are certainly seeing the pestilence or plagues with covid and the many variations of this virus…And famine is close behind!

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