⚡️ 911 - Sept 11 🎯 Photoshopped Planes - Part 3 👨‍🎓

2 years ago

⚡️ 911 - Pentagon 🎯 Cruise Missile - Part 2 👨‍🎓
Jet Fuel cant melt steel beams
A plane can NOT fly through re-enforced steel and concrete.. to have the nose cone of the plane pop out the other side of the building... still as a nose cone.. lol
There were explosives planted all over that building to bring it down.
Thermite traces were found.. molten steel burning for weeks.. jet fuel doesnt do that.
Over 100 storeys ended up as only about 4 storeys of rumble..
and the Mayor had 1000s of dumb trucks and digging machines ready to grab the rubble within hours.. ??
The towers turned to Dust - because an ENERGY WEAPON was firing at the same time to turn huge falling pieces of the building to DUST... before the hit the ground.. impossible without help.
Larry Silverstein took out insurance just before 911 and had added .. the buildings getting hit by planes to his policy.
He also owned Building 7.. that didnt get hit by a plane and fell at Free Fall Speed... - also after clearly obvious explosives brought the building down... That would have taken weeks to plan and place the explosives..... How did they rig a hug building in one day ? lol
Cruise Missile went in to Pentagon.
and the other one that "crashed" in Pennsylvania - was also a missile and not ONE piece of wreckage found... hahaha
The planes all landed... people got off at a NASA hanger and were debriefed... I'm guessing some didnt make it back.
In 2001 United Airlines did NOT have Mobile Phone connection on their flights..... yet all these people making calls from their phone from the plane.... a couple were late and voicemail recorded AFTER that "towers had been hit " hahahah

Such a sloppy job.... and I feel sorry for those SHEEPLE that are that braindead they still defend the BS official story that, just like CONvid PLANdemic made ZERO sense... but still went along with the "official" story anyway..

Pathetic and they are an embarrassment to the human race - and I bet the same people that think a bloke in a cave with a laptop could have done this - are the same SHEEPLE-- that are driving alone in their cars with Masks on..


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