Jesus was born on September 11th not December 25th

2 years ago

Then ceasar Augustus issued a degree that all Jews must go back to the lands where their fathers were born so Joseph and Mary left Nazareth and traveled to Bethlehem and when they got there, there was no room at all for them, so they went into a stable and Mary gave birth to Jesus or Yeshua, Joseph and Mary did not travel to Bethlehem in the winter time; they had no cars back then or hotels, they went by donkey and it was September, it was very packed in Bethlehem for the roman census and it was Rosh Hashanah the Jewish new year to, so all the Jewish cities were packed full of people, Joseph and Mary were Jews!! They circumcised Jesus on the 8th day and took Him to the temple, then two people blessed Joseph and Mary and they went back to Bethlehem, the three wise men left Iran to Bethlehem and stopped in Jerusalem and king Herod said yes tell me where this child is born so we shall worship him, they arrived at Bethlehem and gave mure, frankincense and gold, then they were warned by a angel to not go back to jersalem, Herod sent soldiers out to Bethlehem to kill all the baby boys born, Joseph and Mary left for Egypt, then I heard weeping and wailing in ramah and Rachel weeping for her sons and will not be comforted for they are no more, Jesus was not born on December 25 a pagan holiday!! Tammuz son of nimrod was born on December 25, and the Romans celebrated Satanalia on December 25 to honor Saturn their pagan god, they ate and got drunk, churches lie to people and do not care that God hates pagan holidays!! He said these people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me! They bow down to Ishtar, Baal, Molech, they rise at sunrise and greet the queen of heaven! They bake bread for Tammuz and such people anger Me and I will wipe them out for they have rejected Me!! God hates Xmas, Xmas Eve, Palm Sunday, good Friday, Ishtar or Easter, 40 days of lent, Ash Wednesday, Halloween, trunk or treat, new Year eve, thanksgiving, mother and father day, the pagan Christmas tree which came from Germany called Germania back when Rome ruled, He hates pagan holidays!! And why would Jesus be born on a pagan holiday! He was not, September 11th is His true day He was born, and on 9/11, 2001 the twin towers got attacked and fell, it was done by Bush, CIA and Israel to get us in Iraq and Afghanistan for money, there were no planes at all, no debry, it was a lie, Israelis were seen filming when the towers were coming down and laughing to, Satan hates Jesus and the wicked globists got us in a useless war in Iraq and Afghanistan so bush and the rich will get money off it, Israel is land of the Rothschild, they do not believe in God in Israel or care, they hate Jesus and still reject Jesus today, America gives Israel thousands of dollars all the time, it was done on 9/11 because Satan hates Jesus, they are at war right now, the earth is Satan battlefield and he is on earth and not in hell, nope, the worst fallen angels are bound up in the abyss and they will be let out during the 7 year tribulation, man made churches lie to people, pastors will not tell you the truth they want your money and not loose any church members at all, so they will keep all the pagan holidays and do trunk or treat but still it is Halloween they are celebrating! Just celebrate Ramadan then or put a shrine to shriva up in the churches, you already celebrate pagan holidays like Christmas, Easter, palm Sunday, good Friday, ham, Easter egg hunt, rise at sunrise, go to a man made church and think you are worshiping God but fact is you are worshiping Ishtar a pagan moon goddess that nimrod son of cush son of ham made up, he was a wicked man in ancient Babylon and married his wife semerusnis and she was called Ishtar and they had a son called Tammuz, nimrod was the one who built the tower of babel to reach heaven and say that nimrod was a god!! God stuck all the people with many languages and nimrod was killed by his great uncle Shem, his wife cried for him when on good Friday and said he is a god on Easter!! So the 40 days of lent was made to grieve for nimrod and the pagan Catholic Church has kept it ever since and all the churches to, they killed babies and used their blood to dye eggs!! The tree is a pagan ritual to, it was to protect the pagan Germans from evil spirits!! The gifts came from the middle ages when the terrible Catholic Church said Christmas is the true day not September 11th, the Catholics got rid of all the Jewish feast days and put Sunday or sun worship to do, Ash Wednesday, good Friday, 40 days of lent, Easter, mother and father day, thanksgiving, Halloween is a Celtic day called sanhain and they got around a fire and threw dirt to protect themselves from evil, Valentine day is pagan to, the Catholic Church killed anyone who spoke against it's wicked pagan rituals and had thousands of people burned on the stake, they killed men who were writing the Bible in English!! Now the Catholic Church sexually abuses kids and the priests get away with it as do baptists, the so called churches came around in the Early church days called the nicolitans they wanted to worship in a building and were not saved at all, they were pagan worshiping Romans and wanted to keep their pagan ways, Paul and Peter warned about false apostles and teachers who were around and said they are ravenous wolves and speak not about our lord and savior Jesus Christ, have nothing to do with such people for they lead many away from the faith, the fake churches are still here today, they are not true believers but fake puffed up self righteous religious people!! They go to church every Sunday, Sunday night, Wednesday night, they give money to the pastor, do small groups, do gossip clubs not study the Bible and pick and choose what offends them, pastors will not preach about hell, repentance or anything, they do not want to offend anyone at all! So they will say everything is good when it is not, God has blessed us! These churches do not pay taxes and pastors are very rich, they live in huge mansions, drive around in BMW, go on a cruise to Norway or Greece, while people outside are homeless, abused, lost a job, husband died, they do not care, they say we will pray for you but that is it, they have frozen to in December and Disney is satanic as you get or a huge trunk or treat but never talk about Jesus ever, or they have 10000 egg drop and face painting, all about themselves to these churches, these are the people Jesus will spit out of His mouth, you say you are rich but in fact you are wretched, pitiful, blind, naked and shameful! Jesus hates lukewarm phony church people and pastors the most, it makes Him sick!! He will spit out all lukewarm phony church people and pastors out of His mouth!!

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