KEN BERRY & SARAH ZALDIVAR 4 | Dr B: Find tasty organ meat; eat once a week; get complete nutrition

2 years ago
presents episode 573 | Dr Sarah Zaldivar, certified nutritionist
Dr Sarah Zaldivar podcast

Question: How did your conversation with
vegetarians go?
-very emotional
-ethical or religious reasons for the diet
-but, nutrition is science & physiology
"Either you eat the nutrients you need or not"
-must take daily supplements

Question: recommend eating animal organs \
-not necessarily on a regular basis,
but try them all!
-adult beef liver can be coppery in taste
-chicken liver can be delicious as
carnivore chicken nuggets
-cod liver packed in its own oil is very mild
~is super food filled with vitamins & minerals
-sheep liver is another mild flavor
-our ancestors ate organs because they enjoyed them
-even in 1920s - 40s organ meats very popular

Up to 1960s...
-liver once a week was a general practice
-many carnivores have not had organ meats
and look like they are doing great
-probably not all of us can just eat the
muscle & fat of animals and do fine
"Find organ you can enjoy once a week,
from abundance of caution,
you will get all the nutrients you need"

Question: how to cook cod liver?
-patron from Norway gave many recipes
-it is very squishy!
-dump into bowl; add zero carb mustard
-mix until becomes thick mustard
-put on top of ground beef or steak
~as a condiment
-mixed with any vinegar base, cannot taste the liver


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