ACTION: Regaining Control of Your Mind, Body and Soul (EPISODE 7)

2 years ago

Aug 22, 2022

Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive - ACTION: Regaining Control of Your Mind, Body and Soul

During this episode, you’ll hear from Dr. Peter Glidden - a top functional medicine expert who is exposing the conventional medical system for what it really is.

He talks about how they follow a one size fits all approach that never addresses the real health issue but rather masks the symptoms - or actually causes more disease.
“Your medical doctor may be the nicest person that God ever created, but your medical doctor is not trained in healthcare, your medical doctor is trained in disease management. 
So, the heartburn has never been cured, it's managed. The blood pressure has never cured, it's managed. The depression, the anxiety, the blood sugar abnormality, the fibromyalgia, the arthritis, the asthma is never cured there, these things are all managed.”

Dr. Mark Sherwood is also featured in this episode and he discusses how anyone with optimal health will not be affected by Covid or long-haul Covid.

According to Dr. Sherwood, “We have over 10,000 in our patient base, but as far as COVID, long haul COVID, COVID fatalities, we just don't see that, because it's not something that should happen based upon even data.”
He reveals exactly how he has helped his patients to achieve optimal health and robust immune systems, and it’s NOT using conventional medicines.

You’ll also hear from Dr. Daniel Nuzum and he’s exposing everything you need to know about detoxing your body effectively and becoming the healthiest possible version of yourself.

Dr. Nuzum shares what happens to your body when you try to detox the wrong way… And, how no matter how much you detox or try to live healthily, you will never achieve optimal health without using a holistic approach.
“We actually, by weight, expel just as many toxins out our mouth and nose as we exhale throughout the day. That's including carbon dioxide and things like that. Just a side note. But our colon is where we eliminate the majority of our solid waste. 
If the colon is impacted with solid waste, the liver doesn't expel its toxins into the digestive tract as often as it should. So, before we go trying to detox our liver, we have to clean out our colon.”

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