Labor Day weekend vlog; antique farm equipment road trip!

2 years ago

Happy Labor Day 2022! Yep, Sharon scored a haul of antique farm equipment on this years Labor Day weekend Vlog! Join us for today's Kapper Outdoors farm vlog as we take a fun road trip in Southern Illinois as Sharon makes me break out my big equipment trailer to bring home some junk! (Oh wait.. Sorry, I mean antiques!! lol. OK just kidding!) In today's episode Sharon scored a batch of very old, antique farm equipment. She has been looking for pieces like these for a long time, more specifically an antique hay rake. So when she saw the new ad pop up, she bought them immediately so she wouldn't lose out on this one! Being a true farm girl herself, old farm antiques such as these really hold a special place in her heart, and for good reason. Many fond memories of working on their family farm, time with family, the ups and downs of farming, the looks and smell's of farm equipment being operated and much more. Thanks for joining us today, stay tuned to our channel for the next video episode of our ongoing adventures and to see how these old farm implements turn out, and where she decides to put them. I know for sure that one of them is going by our future rustic vrbo cabin project which we just started recently. We hope you will join us for that ongoing investment and adventure!
Thanks for joining us today, and as always please hit the like button and share this video if you got a laugh, learned something new or just enjoyed some vicarious fresh air with our team! We would greatly appreciate that! Also consider subscribing to follow all of our rural country living adventures, land management and land improvement projects, Kioti tractor projects, bobcat e42 R-2 series mini excavator projects, Bobcat T650 CTL skid steer projects, old home demolitions, old barn demolitions, land investing, land flipping, rustic red cedar DIY projects, DIY rustic farmhouse decor projects, buying and selling raw land, our new 2022 Polaris Ranger XP1000 Northstar Ultimate riding videos, trail riding, food plots, duck ponds, wildlife ponds, watering holes, and much more country living adventures. Thank you! Kapper Outdoors, living the dream, one acre at a time. #kappervlog #kapperoutdoors #clearingland #antiques #oldfarmequipment #southernillinois #southernillinoisland #kapperoutdoors #happylaborday

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