let's live in peace

2 years ago

let's live in peace
You hate and despise each other is mutual hatred,
the only thing that makes you whole.
But if everyone smells like shit, maybe it's you who crap yourself.
And you still wonder why they have you in a civil hollow,
these are the shiz of power.
And how else to behave with a herd, where everyone considers each other cretins.
To what intensity do you need to be brought so that you finally see yourself in others.
And in the place I am, we said at last.
And how do you look at the option if we lived
let's say in a society where the money would be equally shared by everyone?
Everyone threw money into a common cauldron and divided it equally among everyone.
And everyone got the same amount.
You divided equally but no one can get it, for what reason?
Because you have adopted a different salary distribution.
Accrued to all equally, but no one can receive.
Because you decided to distribute money differently, you can
distributed to others, as a percentage.
Do you agree with this?
You give money and the people around you, depending on what kind of person you are
and what kind of specialist you are, they charge you their interest.
And then you get money. Is that fair?
This is true, and in place it is possible. This is just me explaining
concept, albeit impossible, but would you agree to live in such a society?
If yes, and this is true, now add
in the same society, then what is this budget when everyone chipped in.
We are the main part of the money, we cancel for housing and communal services 0, factory 0,
for electricity 0, that is, we do not pay for anything from this money accrued.
But of this money, let's say 2.3 percent, we give it to the construction of production
which will make free food.
Would you agree so?
Now if there's this production of free food, are we taking away work as such?
If, instead of us, they replace automatic and semi-automatic machines.
Now, 24 hours, do you agree to just live a day and not plow?
That's all I've described to you, it is provided for such projects as Equilitor.
Take a look at your life and if you think you need to change something, don't wait. Change now!
The Equilitor mechanism will help us unite and
pass peacefully from the power structure to people's self-government.
Become a member of the grandiose mechanism of People's Self-Government.
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What is Equilitor? This is Energy - Quantum Vibration
or TOP (torsion fields).
This is a blueprint for planetary change.
human relationships for the preservation of our humanity.
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