Should I buy 10 unit apartment complex or should I invest in a restaurant that can double my money?

2 years ago

Good question.

You should do neither of these things. But if you have to pick between the two the one that is the lesser evil is to purchase a 10 unit apartment complex although it is too small to be acceptable for investing.

If you want to suffer and lose money, investing in restaurants is often just what provides this sort of misery. This idea of buying a restaurant that will double in value is extremely unlikely. Is the person selling this investment to you promising it will double in value? In what 12 months? In 60 months? Go and look at the long term failure rate of restaurants and decide why this one is going to be different than all those that fail.

Don’t be foolish. Get an education in investing and focus on larger sized apartment communities with more than 100 units that have an experienced general partner where you are the limited partner. Be smart and invest with experienced people and you will avoid 99% of the failures that other investors experience.

If you need help with learning multifamily, contact my office at and fill out the contact form.

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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