Harmony Healing 432Hz Meditation | Yin & Yang Balancing | Divine Masculine & Feminine

2 years ago

Harmony Healing 432Hz Meditation | Yin & Yang Balancing | Divine Masculine & Feminine

The essential expression of “Tai Chi” philosophy is the concept of yin-yang. It is most often translated as the pairing of "positive" and "negative" or "male" and "female". In truth, yin and yang should be understood as the pairing of any complementary opposites.

Most of us carry an imbalance with our Divine Masculine and Feminine aspects. The first step in the healing process, is to acknowledge that you have wounds, even if you don’t fully understand what they are and where they came from.
The healing process begins with you taking responsibility for your healing journey, starting with forgiveness of yourself and others.

#meditation #harmony #healing #yinyang #432hz

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