[M05] 5.2 - Azure Networking and Connectivity Security | #borapranuvem #missaoaz900

2 years ago

E aí seus trem bunitows! #borapranuvem?

Então bora "fritar" no Módulo 05: Tópico 5.2! ⬇️
| ⚠️ Não se esqueça hein!? |
📌 Se inscreva no canal! (É de graça, e me ajuda muito!)
📌 Ative o 🔔 das notificações!
|❓ #perdido ou #perdida? Relax! Fiz algumas #marcações aqui para lhe ajudar! |
00:00 - 5.2: Networking and Connectivity Security (Overview)
02:30 - 5.2: Networking and Connectivity Security: Defense in Depth (Overview)
09:45 - 5.2: Networking and Connectivity Security: Matriz de Responsabilidade de Segurança Compartilhada (Overview)
15:16 - 5.2: Networking and Connectivity Security: Azure NSG (Overview)
20:14 - 5.2: Networking and Connectivity Security: Azure Firewall (Overview)
25:38 - 5.2: Networking and Connectivity Security: Azure DDoS Protection (Overview)
28:54 - 5.2: Networking and Connectivity Security: Defense in Depth for Networking (Overview)
31:00 - Módulo 05: Revisão
32:34 - O que esperar do Módulo 06?
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#azure #MissaoAz900 #Certifications #Microsoft #AZ900 #beyondthecloud

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