"sorry I didn't see you"

2 years ago

Fully expected this guy to turn right out of the driveway, not pull out right in front of me trying to turn left. I think I initially assumed he was driving distracted and that's why I was more assertive than usual. Fair warning, I drop a lot of f-bombs in this.

After hearing what the driver had to say, I realized what happened and let it go. He was looking to his left as he was pulling out because on-street parking was blocking his view and he either didn't look to his right or didn't look hard enough. Mistakes happen, I wasnt hurt, and I'm pretty sure he'll learn from this. I know I did and am a little wiser. Chalk it up to one of my 9 lives lost.

Still putting his tag # in here, if only so the driver might see this some day and learns something from seeing this through my eyes. EAM9713

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