Where Have All the Capitalists Gone: Morals & Markets Podcast

2 years ago

In this very first episode of The Morals & Markets Podcast through The Atlas Society's student programs, Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy out of Duke, Dr. Richard M. Salsman presents his latest book "Where Have All The Capitalists Gone? Essays In Moral Political Economy".

If you want to join Morals & Markets on the fourth Thursday of each month and partake in the Q&A session with Dr. Salsman, register on ZOOM where our meetings are hosted and fill out the Morals & Markets form on our website to receive emails about upcoming sessions!

Where Have All The Capitalists Gone is a compelling case for the many virtues of capitalism. Though long derided, Salsman convincingly shows that capitalism is not only the most productive social system but also the most moral and the most just. In this discussion, Dr. Salsman tells us why his book is pertinent, why it is relevant, and how it is distinct from other books written on Capitalism in recent years. Dr. Salsman makes the strong case for the morality of capitalism as a social system with benefits that far outweigh other social end economic systems.


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