9/11 Predictive Programming & An Infamous 1995 Spiderman Comic!

2 years ago

Just a regular guy, going through his old Spiderman Comic books and notices that The World Trade Center in New York is front and center in the beginning of the story. He then looks for the copyright date and found 1995 listed throughout the issue. He thinks 'hmmmm'...wouldn't it be something if the story line showed a plane crashing through the World Trade Center. Watch to see the drawings!

Issue 402 with the World Trade Center

However, the Scarlet Spider crushes the globe into bits, seemingly sending the soul of Aunt May back into the afterlife. He refuses to believe any of this has been happening, believing that this is merely a series of illusions. However, Judas says he is a being of great power, and decides to show him what the future has in store for him.

Bringing him back to reality, he shows him a future where Manhattan is in ruins. He then tells Parker that it is his fault, and the cause of this Spiderman Comic disaster will prove that he is not quite the hero he always thought he was.

"Spiderman Issue 402" from June 1995, also known as "Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 402", is part of the Clone Saga event and the Crossfire arc. Here are some key details about the issue with the Spiderman Comic:

Title: "Crossfire, Part One"
Release Date: April 11, 1995
Cover Date: June, 1995
Writer(s): J.M. DeMatteis
Penciler(s): Mark Bagley
Inker(s): Larry Mahlstedt, Josef Rubinstein, Al Milgrom
Colorist(s): Bob Sharen
Letterer(s): Bill Oakley
Editor(s): Danny Fingeroth

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