How to Paint a Large Hydrangea Painting in Acrylics ~ A Step by Step Tutorial

2 years ago

In this video, you will see how I paint a large hydrangea bush in acrylics with a loose style. You will see how I:
1) Use a projector to work out the composition
2) Select a color palette that guarantees great color harmony
3) Paint leaves and flowers with a loose, impressionistic style
4) Get the illusion of dappled light
This tutorial is comparable to my courses on Skill Share ~ except this one is FREE!
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The PROJECTOR I use with the super prism lens:

The Rosemary and Company CLASSIC LONG FLAT brushes ~ my personal favorites: (code = Hagaman)

The Princeton Summit size 8 bright brush that I used in this video:

The 36" X 36" Premiere cotton canvas used in this painting:

Paints used in this painting ~ Liquitex Heavy Body:
Chromium Oxide Green
Naples Yellow
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Titanium White
Ultramarine Blue

To see all of my paintings:

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Disclaimer: This description provides affiliate links for products that I use and recommend. I may receive a small commission, but it does not alter the price you pay. This is a way to help support this channel so that more videos can be produced.

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