2 years ago


1. I believe that man has the divine imperative to become as capable, strong, competent as possible in this life.

2. I reserve the right to hold my own beliefs and practices as I see fit and allow all other people to believe as they wish.

3. I prefer to love rewarding counseling relationships beautiful, positive and consenting women.

4. I believe that men and women are different and each has their own unique and important strengths and abilities.

5. I believe that man has a sacred duty to protect and provide for the important people in their lives.

6. I believe I have a sacred duty to protect the innocent in their children's mental health and reserve the right and responsibility to raise their children as they see best to ensure long happiness and success.

7. I believe that man has the sacred duty to raise strong, capable and honorable sons.

8. I believe that man has a sacred duty to raise feminine and virtuous daughters

9. In fact, I reject violence in romantic, family relationships.

10. I support good and honest governments and will obey only their laws.

11. I prefer to conduct business relations only with trusted and invented brothers.

12. I believe that a man has a sacred duty to keep his word and do exactly what he says he will do.

13. I believe that a man's life is difficult and he has a holy duty to become strong and face such difficulty.

14. I believe that men are personally responsible for their actions and the outcome they achieve in their lives.

15. I believe in emotional control and invite to become disciplined and professional in all things.

16. I believe men have a sacred duty to approach every life from a position of strength.

17. I believe that all men have a sacred duty to become a man of upright and virtuous character and life above all possible approaches.

18. I believe it is my duty to ruthlessly identify my own weaknesses and limitations and work lawfully to overcome them and become more capable in all realms.

19. I seek to enhance my personal freedom to think and live true to my masculine imperative in all ways.

20. I believe that every man has a sacred duty to shape his physical body into the strongest, most resilient and most capable version of himself possible.

21. I believe that man has a sacred duty to train himself rigorously physically and mentally every day.

22. I believe I have a sacred duty to eat only the highest quality food possible to maintain my health vitality and male virility.

23. I reserve the right to protect the sanctity of my blood dream and to make my own decisions about my medical care and procedures.

24. I affirm the importance of endlessly improving and improving my mental faculties by intelligent work and practice.

25. I believe and acquire wealth in abundance to demonstrate that my life is good for those I care about.

26. I believe in the variation of healthy competition and constantly encouraging all men to seek out all competition for themselves.

27. I believe that male brotherhood is essential to men's mental health, happiness and success, and I will enjoy meeting and working together.

28. I maintain the trust of my brothers to respect the silence regarding shared sacred experiences.

29. I believe in honoring my ancestors who live in a way that has made me most proud today.

30. I reserve the right to administer difficult rights of passage for a young man.

31. I affirm the importance of the need to eventually travel as men.

32. Looking for men to overcome poor health and mental health for hard work of growth, physical improvements and share male brotherhood.

33. I reserve the right to make the best choices in time that I can at the time to protect myself and respect my mental health.

34. I do good in the world to help those less fortunate than myself.

35. I believe that all men have a responsibility to lead and guide those they care about for health and happiness.

36. I choose to interact only with those who are respectful, civil, and whom I respect.

37. I reserve the freedom to speak and refer to others as I think is best and most honest.

38. I reserve the right to choose my company and include only those whom I believe to be the best for my own happiness and success.

39. I believe I have an imperative to spend my time only in a way that I find beneficial, uplifting, and empowering to myself and others.

40. I choose to allow myself to be influenced only for those I believe are interested.

41. Each day I dedicate myself to something new to create the greatest possible positive impact on the world and to do the work necessary to achieve great masculine excellence in all realms of human behavior.


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