Part 2: NWO Draco avatar elites do all wars & war crimes & genocide for meat & life force parasitism

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (September 2022).

All genocides, wars, terrorism, riots, atrocities, war crimes, COVID19 Coronavirus pandemics biological weapons in human history conducted by Satan Lucifer’s Nazi “Black Sun” Pleiadian fallen angel fake alien avatar elites and Satanist Draco reptilian chimera fake alien avatar elites black nobility families’ non-human soldiers and black magick drugged demon-possession pharmakeia human soldiers is their COVID Druid Mayan Babylonian Atlantis nephilim Satanist reptilian mass human sacrifice ritual to open portals to release fallen angel devils from the abyss where God imprisoned them and receive power & wealth & fame from Satan Lucifer, collect frozen human meat supply, steal gold, pillage ancient technology, depopulate humans, takeover independent nations, start UN NWO, make money, remove human rights, remove guns, remove privacy, and pure enjoyment in torturing hated humans, and divide & conquer humans by making them kill each other and hate each other, and for fallen angels & nephilims & chimeras to parasite human life force energy from pain & hatred & fear & loss & suffering & death & terror since they are cut off from God’s life force energy.

Their genocide, such as the 6 million Jews and Bolshevik and Pol Pot and Armenian and Rwandan and Croatian Nazi and Darfur and East Timor and Barack Obama and Anfal and American Native Indian and Mayan and Druid and Babylonian and Atlantis and COVID19 Coronavirus Nazi 5th Reich Venusian Pleiadian Ashtar Abrasax Shambhala and Aborigine and Bosnian and Nanking and Saturn Draco chimera fake aliens Saturnalian Sabbatean Frankist black nobility families incarnate avatars Ceres planet Nazi 4th Reich CIA Al-Qaeda DHS ISIS terrorist agency slowly cooking alive with CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes and rooms millions of whistleblowers and Mao Tse Tung and U.S. Iraq Afghanistan and Vietnam villages and Easter Island and future extermination of the Western feminist nations’ Jezebel-worshipping “women’s head coverings rebelling Bible verses redefining” religious Christian hordes who will get castrated & their cross-dressing men’s trousers will be ripped off to be raped & their children confiscated by Jezebel to be eaten by the reptilian hybrid elites as child sex slaves and tens of thousands of other genocide, are all being orchestrated by Satan Lucifer and the Illuminati top hierarchy “White Lodge Brotherhood” Shambhala ascended masters “Venusian Pleiadian Ashtar Abrasax fake aliens” “Twilight Saga vampires” pedophile cannibal Satanist “human children DNA adrenochrome blood drinking” “UN building 1,000 human eating” fallen angel devils. These fallen angel devils are using eight groups to carry out these genocides and war crimes and atrocities and Joseph Mengele’s son fallen angel avatar Fauci’s COVID19 biochemical weapon Nazi holocaust vaccine extermination and riots and race wars and Illuminati NWO depopulation of their hated human specie made in the image of the Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus. The military units that are doing horrific war crimes are Draco avatars, and they also use human soldiers by giving them black magick witchcraft drugs in their drinks to demon-possess them with demon spirits to become violent and crazy and evil and inhumane and uncontrolled.

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