The Simplicity of [Self Awareness] PT 3

2 years ago

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Sense of Separation, Identity v identity

Awareness is Life, Life is Awareness
Cleave wood, I Am Here, Lift a stone, I Am Here.
I Am Life, Being the I That Is I
Without Awareness, Life, there is no-Thing
And no-one to be Aware of no-Thing
The Realization of One True Identity as Awareness
Precludes one being beholden to the things in Awareness.
Fear is Awareness hidden in perceived darkness,
as Light shines seeming darkness dis-appears,
as it was never real in the first place.

Life is inclusive of All Things, as Perfect, Complete, Whole, Invisible in Consciousness, Idea’s, nothing needing to be added, or taken away for the Idea to be Perfect and Complete. Like idea’s that one seems to imagine (image up) invisible in one’s head, Pure Awareness holds those as Perfect Idea’s Eternally NOW. The inclusion of Idea’s, Body, Within Awareness negates any sense of Life being within things, bodies, as a power, even as Life seems to animate things. Is the tree moving, or is the invisible wind moving the tree. One sees the effects of movement, Life, but never sees Life, or the wind. Awareness being Aware of things is never subject to the illusory power of things appearing to move through a power of mistaken identity, i.e. if one imagines (believes) a thing to be moving of its own power, one has become subject to the assumed power and entertains the show the said power seems to be exerting. This is how it appears that Awareness seems present in the relative scene, without being Aware of the scene. One’s sense of separation from one’s Source can be summed up as a mis-taken sense of identity, one has taken on by mis-take through a sense of life conditioning an identity contrary to One’s True Nature, which is Life ItSelf.
Question the statement below and its accuracy, in fact it is very deceptive, as the “answer” seems forever out of reach due to the nature of the statement. If Awareness included levels it would not be Single, Uninterrupted, Pure; unless Purity includes levels of Purity, then there would be no Constancy to Being. This True Identity that One Is has not gone anywhere, It is Constantly Here, albeit hidden from plain sight behind a seeming sense of a mask one wears, called one’s personal conditioned sense of identity by the name of so and so. A Hub of a wheel is attached/connected to the rest of the wheel, it seems. Is this True of Awareness? Is Awareness attached ? What stays Still is the spindle, it does not move, it is fixed, it is permanent, as Is Being. The connection if one can call it that is where the bearings touch the hardened casings of both the Hub and the Spindle, lubricated by grease. In the case of “levels of Being”, the seeming invisible bond/connection/grease that gives a sense of materiality is emotionalism/guilt, which in turn seems to cause friction or vibration in one’s sense of life and living. Now imagine, as is in a likeness, the grease/guilt is dissolved with heat/friction. Clarity burns away the illusions created by minds acceptance of a lie over Truth, the bearings would shatter and the wheel/mind collapse, leaving what has Always been Present, Conscious Awareness, Un-moving, but Always Active Spirit as solid as a Rock that has not or cannot move, like “the spindle”.  Where there is no guilt there is Only Being; humanhood is a state of guilt. Family is a sense of preserving life hoping to spawn a little one that outlives one’s seeming destined venture back to Being. Knowing materiality is an altered state of Being and has no Substance thereof, therefore no reality, like a dream one had last night that one thought was so real. Picture the example of the bicycle wheel spinning, in movement. Which part of the wheel always seems to be in constant movement? Which part of the wheel never moves? A term “the wheel of life” comes to mind, to describe one’s experiences through “time”, be that in this present sense of incarnation, or any other sense of “past life incarnation, in time”. Its all in a sense of time, a seeming present based in a seeming sense of past, projected into a seeming future, created though a fear of not knowing. Where is a past? accept in one’s memory.

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