Trauma? Clearing & Healing 6 Questions I am asking myself Is this for You ? [CosmicJon]

2 years ago

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Trauma Clearing & Healing through Listening, Meditation Leading to Awakening

6 Questions I am asking myself

Will it resolve my trauma?
How Simple is Silent Meditation?
What do I need to do to prepare?
How will Silent meditation affect my life?
Does my age affect Healing?
What does it cost?

Life is a Devine Meditation

Love Is One’s Natural State of Being

Enlightenment is one’s State of Mind before thinking

Life is Free

This is an introduction into the Simplicity of Awareness Being one’s Life meditation and how to Clear the trauma one may have experienced, or is experiencing in one’s life.

Living life from a sense of me, mine and my personal sense of self is a state of trauma, a never ending sense of survival, until one either wakes up from the sense of me, or, passes out of the play of human-hood. Experiencing a sense of me, my personal self and then having One’s Truth Revealed, is like once all one new was cheap wine until one experienced the Finest wine in the world, one would never go back to the cheap wine.

Life Is a Meditation, when one is not thinking about it, One is Being. Listening, just listening and during this listening Life goes on, with one still doing all that one needs to do for oneself and others too, but the doing is not personal, there is a sense that Doing is being Done, just by listening to the “audible life stream” playing in one’s head. The secret is, how to bring oneself to this point, this State of Being. This is what this discourse is all about.

Transcendental meditation, sometimes mis-taken as a “Trance state” is a form of meditation that “Trans-sends” (seems to send one’s awareness to a point other than where it seemed to originate) the “assumed normal state” of being. Going beyond the thinking mind, or more accurately put, preceding the thinking mind puts one at an advantage of being in a State of Pure Clarity, many refer to as Enlightenment.

Once one has grasped the Simplicity of this technique it can be utilized any-time, any-where without any hesitation.

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