Save Your Cells: Discussing The Future Of Stem Cell Treatment With Drew Taylor

2 years ago

Are you wondering how to bank your stem cells for future use in a non-invasive way? If so, turn your attention towards Drew Taylor, the CEO of Acorn Biolabs. Acorn Biolabs is a company that provides the “first non-invasive solution to preserving your younger follicle cells for use in future cell treatments.”

Drew has always been passionate about health science, and after playing professional baseball while simultaneously completing his Ph.D., he dedicated his professional career to researching tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

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Join us now to hear Drew address:

1) The medical treatments that stem cells are being used for.
2) How stem cells are enabling medical professionals to recreate human organs.
3) Strategies doctors are using to give patients access to younger stem cells.
4) Why stem cells “migrate to places of injury” in our bodies.

Want to find out more information about Drew Taylor and his work with Biolabs? Visit now!

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