25 Noobs You'll Find At Car Meets!

2 years ago

25 Noobs You'll Find At Car Meets!
NOOBS you'll find at Car Meets! 25 EVEN MORE Types of Car Guys! BOFA DEEZ, err I mean Cars. Much car, very car, such wow, cars. Yes Yartube, this video do be about cars. Okay plz let this be looked upon favorably by the algae of rhythm, k thx bye.

Boba is nice, groms are cool, bugatti veryon something, uhhh what's another car people like, Ford Mustang. Actually that one is just there cause Ford do be giving BANK for running them BUILT FERD TOUGH stuff thru vids. Yes, Ford, right here. You're cleared for landing. Gib munz plox. Cheby is fine too. I DO LIKE ME SOME CHEVY CORVITS, GOBBLESS.

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