It is time for the great day of the Lord to begin!!

2 years ago

The 7 year tribulation will begin once the rapture happens and thousands of people are just gone then the great terrible day of the Lord begins and God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world!! He will crush all the wicked, so called pastors and church people!! He will give no mercy at all to the wicked!! They deserve it and to suffer!! The gays lesbians and trans sodomites deserve to suffer! Abortion murderers of babies deserve to suffer, all mockers and scoffers deserve to suffer, all rich people deserve to have nothing, no money or anything and be poor beggers on the streets, all abusers deserve to suffer, all cultists deserve to suffer, all drunks deserve to suffer, all those who persercute and kill Christians deserve to suffer, all false prophets and pastors will suffer the most for lying to people and stealing money from them, all those who give out the vaccines and get them will suffer the most, God will not care about your pronouns at all, you are outside of Jesus you are His enemies!! Then all the rich, the wealthy, generals, soldiers, king's, slaves and free people hide themselves in a cave and cried out to the mountains and rocks and said fall on us and hide us from Him who sits on the throne! For the great day of the Lamb wrath has come and who can stand against His wrath, God will give no grace, no mercy at all in the tribulation period!! That is over after the true believers are gone then judgement has begun, the antichrist will rule and control the entire world!! He will force everyone to worship him and get his demonic vaccine mark of beast! If not you are killed, all churches will be destroyed after the rapture happens, all Bible's will be destroyed to, there will be one world religion and government, the false prophet Pope Francis will lead the one world religion, whoever the antichrist is he will come on stage after the rapture happens and sits in the third temple in Jerusalem and will say I am the Messiah and will lie to thousands of people!! Those who got the vaccines will get the mircochiop put in them next, they are not people anymore but cursed poison bags and nephilim, they are cursed by God and will never be forgiven!! There is no forgiveness for those who get the vaccine mark of the beast, it is in you and can never be erased ever, it is permanent and will never get out of someone, once you get the vaccine you belong to Satan forever, he owns you now and demons control all who got the vaccines, God doesn't know who they are and so called pastors and church people who got the vaccines turned their backs on Jesus and their names are blotted out of the Lamb book of life, it is not a game at all, Jesus will destroy all who worship the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, He will kill them all and leave the cursed antichrist crowd on the ground and wild animals will eat and pick at them, he will throw the antichrist and false prophet into the lake of fire, all the Dr nurses who gives out the vaccines will suffer the same fate!! They will be bound up and caste into the lake of fire!! God will get rid of all His enimies!! He will not be nice about it at all, only those who are protected in the tribulation period are those who are sealed by God and they will be killed by the antichrist and will be tribulation saints, they will rule with Jesus in the city in Jerusalem and will judge all the wicked!! Jesus will rule for thousands years on earth, after it is over that devil Satan will be let out of the bottomless pit and will get all the wicked to rage war against God, but God will destroy them all with fire from heaven and Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire, then the great white throne judgement will begin, everyone who rejected Jesus will be there, and that includes all the pastors who did not preach God word but got woke and selfish will be there, all the self righteous church people who thought being a church member was good enough for them to go to heaven, all the cultists that includes Catholics, Muslims, church of Christ, seventh day Adventist, pentecostal, Mormons, Jehovah witness, sciencetolgy, church of Christ sciencetist, all the cult members and cult leaders will be there, all the wicked leaders like Hitler, Stalin, Kim North Korea dictators, Nero, Henry the 8th, Lincoln, Elizabeth the 2nd, all the leaders that were wicked will be there, those who never heard about God will be there, mockers and scoffers will be there, atheists will be there, all gays lesbians trans sodomites will be there, all abusers will be there, all murderers will be there, all those who committed adultery will be there, all thieves will be there, all those who persercuted Christians will be there, all those who said I will accept Jesus later I want to have fun will be there, all those who do magic arts, talk to ghosts, yoga, Ouija boards will be there, all those who followed Jesus but decided they loved the world more will be there, the books will be opened and everyone will be judged according to what they did alive, God will say is this person name found written in the Lamb book of life!, No Peter Brown is not found written, God will tell you all your sins you did and will say since you have not accepted my son Jesus you will be thrown into the lake of fire for I never knew you depart from Me you worker of inquinity!! This is the final judgement and it is reserved for those who rejected Jesus as Savior, it will be final and no one will defend you at all, God will tell you all your sins you did alive and your sentence is the lake of fire, then those whose names were not found written were caste into the lake of fire and shall be tormented forever and ever, it is scary to stand before a Holy and angry God but so many say I never want to follow you God!! And God says not My fault you ended up in hell or the great white throne judgement, you chose it yourself, I gave you every chance to accept Me but you refused to so I have no choice but to throw you into the lake of fire where you will be away from My presence forever!! You will never be near Me or escape, you chose life without Me so this is where you will end up, you will see God the father, Jesus as your Judge and they will not be nice to you at all,

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