Tinder and Bumble (Jesuit Total Information Awareness Military Psyop)

2 years ago

Just another creation of the Vatican.

The lost world is absolutely adding insult to injury on social media, every day, all day, by engaging in a practice that will ultimately lead to their destruction and damnation.

Matthew 12:37 KJV: For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

If you're truly saved, born-again, converted by the Lord Jesus Christ with HIS holy spirit, then your account is settled with God; once saved always saved. However, for the lost world and false converts, they will be held to every text message, every comment, every swipe, and every word they utter through social media, whether they think its good or bad. The Lord Jesus Christ will show them that 99% of everything they said was evil, regardless of their plight and cheap excuses.

Matthew 12:34 KJV: O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh

Jeremiah 17:9 KJV: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

1 Timothy 6:3 KJV: If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to WHOLESOME WORDS, even THE WORDS of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to THE DOCTRINE which is according to godliness;


What the lost world doesn't understand with "dating apps" and social media sites like Twitter; is that whole site is a data mining operation, with perception management campaigns. It is a modern form of Roman Catholic Church's "confession". It's also an echo-chamber for bots and Catholics, who love to be deceived and go online to rant about it, to people who will do nothing in the end to help. Its comical.

Dating sites and social media coincidentally showed up around the time of Bush/Rumsfeld's TIA (Total Information Awareness), with Plenty of Fish in 2003 and Facebook in 2004.

The perception management campaigns are used by bots, company employees, shills, third-party agents and temporal coadjutors to setup men and women into behaviour modification. A lot of astroturfing on these sites is done to entice people into propping up the "system". A lot of astroturfing on these sites is done to polarize the sexes, by creating divide either through harassment and gang stalking, or perversion. By design, a lot of psychological operations on these sites are done to distract, deceive, divide and conquer, for assimilation and takeover. (How many studies have shown that excessive online use, especially with dating apps or sites like Twitter, lead people into emotional and psychological deficiencies or derangement - like anxiety or depression?)

Looking through the media articles when C-19 vaccination came on the scene, all the dating sites synchronized by offering "vaccinated check marks" on profiles for users. This is a form of perception management, and coercion. Whereby, if weak minded and lost people wanted to meet someone who has a "vaccination badge" on their profile, it confers they must be "vaccinated" too. (See how that works? Hivemind and group think)

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