12 All Natural Toothache Remedies Your Dentist Doesnt Want You To Know About

2 years ago

Centuries ago when there was no toothpaste, people still needed to maintain their dental health, so they were using thousands of natural remedies and techniques to prevent from toothaches and improve their dental health.

Besides that they believed that this type of pain was caused from cavities, today we know that the toothaches may be triggered from many different factors, for example fractured teeth, gum diseases, tooth eruption, abscesses, tooth decay, damaged fillings, tooth eruption, abnormal bite and bruxism (teeth grinds).

Most commonly a toothache is followed by swelling in the painful area and fever or headache as well.

Before you try anything, and before you go to the dentist, take a look at theese natural ways that may soothe a toothache, and give them a try if you want to:

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