我要祷告多久才会蒙上帝喜悦?(WarningThePeople)How Long Must I Spend Praying to Please God?

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/fCB468fBk4U

2020年1月2日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople

油管频道Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/warningthepeople




我间或会收到这样的问题,人们问:"我每天需要花多长时间祷告?" 如果你问这个问题,说明你还没有摆正心态,你可以和我一起设想一下。设想一个喜欢电子游戏的13岁男孩,他坦白喜欢玩电子游戏。 这个男孩会不会走到他父母面前问:"我今天要玩多久的电子游戏?" 他会不会问他的父母:"我应该只玩一个小时吗? 我今天必须要玩30分钟以上吗?" 如果一个13岁的男孩坏透了,因为他沉迷于这个世界,心中充满了对世界的爱,一天24小时连续玩电子游戏都没有问题。一个真正爱着耶稣,真正领受了圣灵的上帝的儿女,祷告一整天又有什么问题呢? 如果我们已经领受了圣灵,我们会希望自己一直在祷告中,我们会一直全心全意地寻求主。 并不只是花一个小时祷告,而是一直寻求主,不住地地祷告。 我们里面真的有对耶稣的爱吗?我们真的领受了圣灵吗? 还是我们对耶稣的爱还不如一个初中生对他的电子游戏的爱? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。
How Long Must I Spend Praying to Please God?

I get this question once in a while where people ask; “How long do I need to spend praying a day?” If you are asking this question your heart is already is not in the right area, and I want you to imagine something with me for a minute: Imagine a 13-year-old boy who loves video games, he confesses that he loves playing video games. Would that 13-year-old boy who loves video games EVER go up to his parents and ask; “How long do I have to play video games today?” Would he ask his parents; “Should I only play for an hour? Do I have to play for over 30 minutes today?” If a 13 year old boy who is evil because he is addicted to the world and has the love of the world in his heart, has NO PROBLEM playing video games 24 hours a day straight, HOW MUCH MORE should a child of GOD who is TRULY in LOVE with JESUS and who has TRULY RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT have absolutely NO PROBLEM praying ALL DAY! If we have received the Holy Spirit we WANT to be in payer, we seek the Lord with ALL our heart ALL THE TIME. It’s not about an hour in prayer, it’s about seeking the Lord ALL THE TIME, praying continually without ceasing. Do we really have the love of Jesus in us? Have we really received the Holy Spirit? Or do we have less love in us for Jesus than a junior high boy has for his video game? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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