Tucker's AOC Obsession Gets Weirder

2 years ago

Tucker Carlson joins The Fox and Friends crew to talk about the GQ Magazine cover featuring Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Majority Report crew discusses his Joker laugh when talking about AOC and the Right’s disturbing psychosexual obsession with AOC being confused for attraction towards women. The MR crew also talks about Fox New’s history of being an unsafe work environment for women and how there is verifiable proof that there is a bias against women. The crew also questions how the Right media likes to use identity politics to their benefit but ridicule people who speak based on their lived experiences.

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Tucker Carlson found it important enough to wake up early this morning who knows what time this aired 7am,8 am when this fox and friends air? He’s up early to talk about this important story the usual fox and friends crew, Kilmeade, Doocy, and whoever the latest right wing lady on the show is, about the AOC GQ story.

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