Breakdown of the 10 Cards Everyone Wants from Lost Origin

2 years ago

Adventurers! Welcome to the Frontier. Today I will be reading, going through, and breaking down an article written Zach Herwood-Mussen and published to TCGPlayer Infinite. The article is a pretty quick read and is packed full of some good and relevant information regarding the new Lost Origin set. I felt like this article would be a good follow up to the unboxing video I published this week since you all were able to see the quality of the cards and now read the about the hot cards from the set. I hope this video is helpful or at the very least of use to you all in some way. I recommend going and reading the article for yourself and taking a look at some of the linked cards and other articles within this one. It’s a good read and I found it to be pretty helpful as well.

I want to thank all of you awesome and amazing Adventurers for stopping by and watching my video. If you think I deserve it, please give us a “Like” and a “Follow” so you can stay update on all of our videos. If you have any great ideas for me, please leave a comment telling me the idea so I can look into. Also, if you have a specific set, you want me to look into let me know what it is and I will do some research and if you’re lucky there just may be a video of it in the future. Thank you all again for stopping by and I will see you all out on the Frontier again! Now let’s set off on our adventure!

TCGPlayer Infinite Article: The 10 Cards Everybody Wants from Lost Origin

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