Episode 836: God expects more from leaders

2 years ago

Numbers 20:2-12
And the people wanting water, came together against Moses
and Aaron: And making a sedition, they said: Would God we
had perished among our brethren before the Lord. Why have
you brought out the church of the Lord into the wilderness, that
both we and our cattle should die? Why have you made us come
up out of Egypt, and have brought us into this wretched place
which cannot be sowed, nor bringeth forth figs, nor vines, nor
pomegranates, neither is there any water to drink? And Moses
and Aaron leaving the multitude, went into the tabernacle of the
covenant, and fell flat upon the ground, and cried to the Lord, and
said: O Lord God, hear the cry of this people, and open to them thy
treasure, a fountain of living water, that being satisfied, they may
cease to murmur. And the glory of the Lord appeared over them.
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: ake the rod, and assemble
the people together, thou and Aaron thy brother, and speak to the rock
before them, and it shall yield waters. And when thou hast brought forth
water out of the rock, all the multitude and their cattle shall drink. Moses
therefore took the rod, which was before the Lord, as he had commanded
him, And having gathered together the multitude before the rock, he said
to them: Hear, ye rebellious and incredulous: Can we bring you forth water
out of this rock? And when Moses had lifted up his hand, and struck the rock
twice with the rod, there came forth water in great abundance, so that the
people and their cattle drank, And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron:
Because you have not believed me, to sanctify me before the children
of Israel, you shall not bring these people into the land, which I will
give them.

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