Perry Hall School Shooter | Robert Gladden Jr. Interrogation

2 years ago

A shooting occurred at the Perry Hall cafeteria on the first day of school at 10:45 a.m., Monday, August 27, 2012. The shooter, 15-year-old sophomore student Robert Gladden, Jr., attended the first two classes and then went to the school restroom during break time where he allegedly reassembled a 12 gauge shotgun from his backpack and loaded it. He exited the restroom with the shotgun hidden under his clothing, and pulled it out in the cafeteria, where he fired a shot that struck a 17-year-old male student in the back, critically wounding him. A school guidance counselor, Jesse Wasmer, and Richard Rosenthal, a mathematics teacher, immediately rushed to Gladden and attempted to subdue him. More faculty members rushed the shooter, who fired into the ceiling during the struggle. Several people suffered minor cuts and bruises during the panic that ensued. Students were evacuated to a nearby shopping center and middle school.
In February 2013, Gladden was sentenced to 35 years in prison on charges of attempted murder.

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