CRAZY! These criminals have a better life in prison then most people in the real world..

2 years ago

Absolutely insane. Is this the political correctness, that you can't ttreat people in a way which might be offensive for some? Or make their stay in prison a sad one?
Murderers and rapists have their own rooms with small kitchen, TV room, laundry. They have their own kley to their maximum security "apartment", there is a guest house on campus where they can reserve it and spend time there with their Families...They say it is to resocialize these people, so they can learn to live like neighbours. Oh FFS, what do you say to the families of the people these criminals have killed or raped? Is this not just a huge slap and spit in the face for them?
Theres a biorderline for everything, and I think this one has been crossed in a huge way.
A lot of people who work without stealing, often two jobs to try and feed their kids and pay their bills, they dont have a third of what these criminals have. We - our taxes, pay for all of this..

When will the bullshit agenda of political correctness finally end?

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