Destiny 2 | The Conflux | Legend Lost Sector | Solo Flawless | Arcstrider Hunter (Season 18)

2 years ago

The Destiny 2 Legend Lost Sector for today, The Conflux. Completed using Arcstrider Hunter Solo Flawless with a Platinum rating. The Conflux is the 1st Lost Sector on Nessus that is in the rotation for Season of Plunder (Season 18). Found on the westside of The Cistern. The champions are Unstoppable and Barrier. The burn is solar and there's only void shields.

Assassin's Cowl with Combination Blow and O2P shottys was the only thing for me that was ever really good on Arcstrider. Now its even better.

Arcstrider Hunter
Gamblers Dodge, Combination Blow, Arc Bolt Grenade
Aspects: Flow State, Lethal Current
Fragments: Spark of Resistance, Spark of Shock, Spark of Beacons, Spark of Discharge

Come to Pass
Tractor Cannon
Assassin's Cowl

Melee Wellmaker
Well of Ions
Font of Might
Powerful Friends


Season 18 Legend Lost Sectors:


#LegendLostSector #Season18 #SeasonofPlunder #WitchQueen #Destiny2

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