South Park: The Fractured but Whole - From Dusk till Casa Bonita / A Losing@ Playthrough - pt7

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In which DasThief, having just conquered the main campaign, is off to Casa Bonita for a birthday party. However, is the new kid ready for the barrage of blood sucking vampires?
| Sometimes Funny | Mostly Dumb | Never Good | Losing@ |
From Dusk till Casa Bonita focuses on Mysterion (Kenny), whereby he must rescue his sister Karen from the influence of Vampire Kids. The events will primarily take place at the eatery Casa Bonita. In this mission, The New Kid will be teaming up with Mysterion, The Coon (Cartman) and Henrietta Biggle, the Goth lady who will play as a supporting Witch role; all will be taking down the legion of Vampire Kids together (while enjoying them sopaipillas throughout the way). A new superhero class Netherborn (Mysterion's class) is introduced in this expansion pack. It also includes new Goth-themed items.

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